• Things I learned this trimester
    • AGILE
    • Github Usage/Commits
    • Frontend vs Backend
    • Backend is Python
    • Fronted is combination of css and java.
    • Python/Javascript Coding
  • Challenges Faced
    • Commiting without Syncing Pull’s
    • List Index out of range errors (API)
    • Connectig Frontend with Backend
    • Last minute localhost fix for night and the muesuem.
  • Things I want to do for next trimester
    • Learn how develop API’s using imaegs
    • Base64 Decryption of Images on Frontend
    • Making more interactive and game oriented programming features.
    • Work more Frontend
    • Fully understand AWS deployment

Things I Learned:

AGILE: I delved into the AGILE methodology, which has been a valuable framework for project management and collaboration. It’s been crucial in ensuring our projects stay on track and adapt to changing requirements.

Github Usage/Commits: My understanding of version control using GitHub has grown significantly. I’ve learned the importance of making well-documented commits and collaborating effectively with team members.

Frontend vs Backend: I’ve gained a clear distinction between frontend and backend development. Frontend focuses on user interfaces, utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, while the backend involves server-side programming, where Python plays a key role.

Backend in Python: My backend development skills have improved, primarily in Python. This versatile language has allowed me to build powerful and efficient server-side applications.

Frontend Development: I’ve dived into frontend development, using a combination of CSS and JavaScript to create engaging and interactive user interfaces.

Python/Javascript Coding: I’ve honed my coding skills in both Python and JavaScript, enabling me to work on various aspects of web development.

Challenges Faced:

Committing without Syncing Pulls: One challenge I encountered was occasionally committing changes without syncing and resolving pull requests first, causing issues in the project’s codebase.

List Index out of Range Errors (API): Dealing with list index errors while working with APIs required debugging and a deeper understanding of data structures.

Connecting Frontend with Backend: Integrating the frontend with the backend proved to be a complex task, highlighting the importance of strong communication between the two parts of a web application.

Last-Minute Localhost Fixes: Facing last-minute issues, like localhost problems on the night of a museum event, underscored the need for thorough testing and preparation.

Things I Want to Do for the Next Trimester:

Learn How to Develop APIs Using Images: I aim to explore the creation of APIs that handle image data, allowing for richer and more versatile applications.

Base64 Decryption of Images on Frontend: Enhancing my skills in image handling, including Base64 decryption on the frontend, will expand my capabilities.

Making More Interactive and Game-Oriented Features: I plan to work on developing more interactive and game-like features to make applications more engaging and enjoyable for users.

Work More on Frontend: Focusing on frontend development will help me create compelling user experiences and refine my design and coding skills.

Fully Understand AWS Deployment: Mastering the deployment of web applications on Amazon Web Services (AWS) is an essential goal, as it will enable me to scale and maintain projects effectively.

In conclusion, the first trimester has been really cool and helped me learn various aspects of web development and coding. I’ve gained valuable knowledge, faced challenges head-on, and set ambitious goals for the next trimester. I’m looking forwards towards next trimester.