Overall Thoughts: Challenging at first, but Google and other people came in clutch. Batman also helped me a lot tbh.

» Tool Installation «

Downloaded Visual Studio Code (VS Code):

  • Added Python Extensions
  • Added Jupyter Notebook Extension
  • Added WSL Extension
  • Running commands in .ipynb (interactive python notebook)

Download Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL):

  • Installed Ubuntu through WSL
  • created VSCode Directory for cloning directories (ex. Teacher and Student)
  • Configured Git Connection Github (zipcode + Gihub ID)
  • Install Tools (Python + Jupyter) + Versions Checks

» LocalHost Setup «

- "ctrl + `" opens command terminal in VSCode
- "make stop" stops local server
- "make clean" stops + cleans files of local server
- "make convert" applies to Jupyter Notebook files

» GitHub.io «

In Source Control Tab settings:

  • ”+” to stage changes
  • Add Commit Message
  • Sync Changes