#Base Code
def binary_search(arr, low, high, x):
    if high >= low:
        mid = (high + low) // 2
        if arr[mid] == x:
            return mid
        elif arr[mid] > x:
            return binary_search(arr, low, mid - 1, x)
            return binary_search(arr, mid + 1, high, x)
        return -1
arr = [12, 23, 25, 45, 47, 89, 91]

x = 25
result = binary_search(arr, 0, len(arr)-1, x)
if result != -1:
    print("The Element is in index", str(result))
    print("Element is not present in array")
The Element is in index 2
#Extra Info Version
def binary_search(arr, low, high, x, count=0):
    if high >= low:
        mid = (high + low) // 2

        if arr[mid] == x:
            return mid, count

        elif arr[mid] > x:
            return binary_search(arr, low, mid - 1, x, count + 1)
            return binary_search(arr, mid + 1, high, x, count + 1)

        return -1, count

arr = [12, 23, 25, 45, 47, 89, 91]
x = 25

result, count = binary_search(arr, 0, len(arr) - 1, x)

if result != -1:
    print(f"The element {x} is at index {result} after {count} iterations.")
    print("Element is not present in the array.")
The element 25 is at index 2 after 2 iterations.
import random

#List of pokemon 0001-0100 format might be wrong vscode keeps saying there is a bug
pokemon_data = []
pokemon_list = [
        "name": "Bulbasaur",
        "hp": 9,
        "attack": 7,
        "height": "28",
        "weight_in_lbs": "15.2",
        "abilities": "Overgrow",
        "type": "Grass/Poison",
        "weakness": ["Fire", "Psychic", "Ice", "Flying"]
        "name": "Ivysaur",
        "hp": 13,
        "attack": 8,
        "height": "39",
        "weight_in_lbs": "28.7",
        "abilities": "Overgrow",
        "type": "Grass/Poison",
        "weakness": ["Fire", "Psychic", "Ice", "Flying"]
        "name": "Venusaur",
        "hp": 14,
        "attack": 9,
        "height": "79",
        "weight_in_lbs": "220.5",
        "abilities": "Overgrow",
        "type": "Grass/Poison",
        "weakness": ["Fire", "Psychic", "Ice", "Flying"]
        "name": "Charmander",
        "hp": 7,
        "attack": 8,
        "height": "24",
        "weight_in_lbs": "18.7",
        "abilities": "Blaze",
        "type": "Fire",
        "weakness": ["Water", "Rock", "Ground"]
        "name": "Charmeleon",
        "hp": 10,
        "attack": 9,
        "height": "43",
        "weight_in_lbs": "41.9",
        "abilities": "Blaze",
        "type": "Fire",
        "weakness": ["Water", "Rock", "Ground"]


def initPokemons():
    #moving pokemon from list to data
    for item in pokemon_list:
        pokemon_data.append({"id": item_id, "pokemon": item, "upvote": 0, "downvote": 0})
        item_id += 1
    #adding default upvotes (10)
    for i in range(10):
        id = getRandomPokemon()['id']
    #adding default downvotes (5)
    for i in range(5):
        id = getRandomPokemon()['id']

#returns all pokemon
def getPokemons():

#gets a specific pokemon
def getPokemon(id):

#gets a random pokemon
def getRandomPokemon():

#Upvote Pokemon
def bestPokemon():
    best = 0 
    bestID = -1
    for pokemon in getPokemons():
        if pokemon['upvote'] > best:
            best = pokemon['upvote']
            bestID = pokemon['id']
    return pokemon_data[bestID]

#Downvote Pokemon
def worstPokemon():
    worst = 0 
    worstID = -1
    for pokemon in getPokemons():
        if pokemon['downvote'] > worst:
            worst = pokemon['downvote']
            worstID = pokemon['id']
    return pokemon_data[worstID]

#Add Upvote
def addUpVote(id):
    pokemon_data[id]['upvote'] = pokemon_data[id]['upvote'] +1
    return pokemon_data[id]['upvote']

#Add Downvote
def addDownVote(id):
    pokemon_data[id]['downvote'] = pokemon_data[id]['downvote'] +1
    return pokemon_data[id]['downvote']

def printPokemon(pokemon):
    print(pokemon['id'],pokemon['pokemon'],"\n", "upvotes: ", pokemon['upvote'], "\n", "downvote: ", pokemon['downvote'], "\n")

def countPokemons():
    return len(pokemon_data)

if __name__ == "__main__": 
    best= bestPokemon()
    print("Most Upvoted", best['upvote'])
    worst= worstPokemon()
    print("Most Downvoted", worst['downvote'])
    print("Random Pokemon")
    print("Pokemons Count: " + str(countPokemons()))
Most Upvoted 3
3 {'name': 'Charmander', 'hp': 7, 'attack': 8, 'height': '24', 'weight_in_lbs': '18.7', 'abilities': 'Blaze', 'type': 'Fire', 'weakness': ['Water', 'Rock', 'Ground']} 
 upvotes:  3 
 downvote:  3 

Most Downvoted 3
3 {'name': 'Charmander', 'hp': 7, 'attack': 8, 'height': '24', 'weight_in_lbs': '18.7', 'abilities': 'Blaze', 'type': 'Fire', 'weakness': ['Water', 'Rock', 'Ground']} 
 upvotes:  3 
 downvote:  3 

Random Pokemon
2 {'name': 'Venusaur', 'hp': 14, 'attack': 9, 'height': '79', 'weight_in_lbs': '220.5', 'abilities': 'Overgrow', 'type': 'Grass/Poison', 'weakness': ['Fire', 'Psychic', 'Ice', 'Flying']} 
 upvotes:  1 
 downvote:  0 

Pokemons Count: 5
[{'name': 'Bulbasaur', 'hp': 9, 'attack': 7, 'height': '28', 'weight_in_lbs': '15.2', 'abilities': 'Overgrow', 'type': 'Grass/Poison', 'weakness': ['Fire', 'Psychic', 'Ice', 'Flying']}, {'name': 'Ivysaur', 'hp': 13, 'attack': 8, 'height': '39', 'weight_in_lbs': '28.7', 'abilities': 'Overgrow', 'type': 'Grass/Poison', 'weakness': ['Fire', 'Psychic', 'Ice', 'Flying']}, {'name': 'Venusaur', 'hp': 14, 'attack': 9, 'height': '79', 'weight_in_lbs': '220.5', 'abilities': 'Overgrow', 'type': 'Grass/Poison', 'weakness': ['Fire', 'Psychic', 'Ice', 'Flying']}, {'name': 'Charmander', 'hp': 7, 'attack': 8, 'height': '24', 'weight_in_lbs': '18.7', 'abilities': 'Blaze', 'type': 'Fire', 'weakness': ['Water', 'Rock', 'Ground']}, {'name': 'Charmeleon', 'hp': 10, 'attack': 9, 'height': '43', 'weight_in_lbs': '41.9', 'abilities': 'Blaze', 'type': 'Fire', 'weakness': ['Water', 'Rock', 'Ground']}]
[{'id': 0, 'pokemon': {'name': 'Bulbasaur', 'hp': 9, 'attack': 7, 'height': '28', 'weight_in_lbs': '15.2', 'abilities': 'Overgrow', 'type': 'Grass/Poison', 'weakness': ['Fire', 'Psychic', 'Ice', 'Flying']}, 'upvote': 2, 'downvote': 2}, {'id': 1, 'pokemon': {'name': 'Ivysaur', 'hp': 13, 'attack': 8, 'height': '39', 'weight_in_lbs': '28.7', 'abilities': 'Overgrow', 'type': 'Grass/Poison', 'weakness': ['Fire', 'Psychic', 'Ice', 'Flying']}, 'upvote': 2, 'downvote': 0}, {'id': 2, 'pokemon': {'name': 'Venusaur', 'hp': 14, 'attack': 9, 'height': '79', 'weight_in_lbs': '220.5', 'abilities': 'Overgrow', 'type': 'Grass/Poison', 'weakness': ['Fire', 'Psychic', 'Ice', 'Flying']}, 'upvote': 1, 'downvote': 0}, {'id': 3, 'pokemon': {'name': 'Charmander', 'hp': 7, 'attack': 8, 'height': '24', 'weight_in_lbs': '18.7', 'abilities': 'Blaze', 'type': 'Fire', 'weakness': ['Water', 'Rock', 'Ground']}, 'upvote': 3, 'downvote': 3}, {'id': 4, 'pokemon': {'name': 'Charmeleon', 'hp': 10, 'attack': 9, 'height': '43', 'weight_in_lbs': '41.9', 'abilities': 'Blaze', 'type': 'Fire', 'weakness': ['Water', 'Rock', 'Ground']}, 'upvote': 2, 'downvote': 0}]
import random

joke_data = []
joke_list = [
    "If you give someone a program... you will frustrate them for a day; if you teach them how to program... you will "
    "frustrate them for a lifetime.",
    {"name": "Pikachu", "hp": 35, "level": 15, "type": "Electric"},
    "UNIX is basically a simple operating system... but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity.",
    "Enter any 11-digit prime number to continue.",
    "If at first you don't succeed; call it version 1.0.",
    "Java programmers are some of the most materialistic people I know, very object-oriented",
    "The oldest computer can be traced back to Adam and Eve. It was an apple but with extremely limited memory. Just "
    "1 byte. And then everything crashed.",
    "Q: Why did Wi-Fi and the computer get married? A: Because they had a connection",
    "Bill Gates teaches a kindergarten class to count to ten. 1, 2, 3, 3.1, 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10.",
    "Q: What’s a aliens favorite computer key? A: the space bar!",
    "There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don’t.",
    "If it wasn't for C, we’d all be programming in BASI and OBOL.",
    "Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.",
    "Q: Why is it that programmers always confuse Halloween with Christmas? A: Because 31 OCT = 25 DEC.",
    "Q: How many programmers does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. It’s a hardware problem.",
    "The programmer got stuck in the shower because the instructions on the shampoo bottle said: Lather, Rinse, Repeat.",
    "Q: What is the biggest lie in the entire universe? A: I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions.",
    'An SQL statement walks into a bar and sees two tables. It approaches, and asks may I join you?'

# Initialize jokes
def initJokes():
    # setup jokes into a dictionary with id, joke, haha, boohoo
    item_id = 0
    for item in joke_list:
        joke_data.append({"id": item_id, "joke": item, "haha": 0, "boohoo": 0})
        item_id += 1
    # prime some haha responses
    for i in range(10):
        id = getRandomJoke()['id']
    # prime some haha responses
    for i in range(5):
        id = getRandomJoke()['id']
# Return all jokes from joke_data
def getJokes():

# Joke getter
def getJoke(id):

# Return random joke from joke_data
def getRandomJoke():

# Liked joke
def favoriteJoke():
    best = 0
    bestID = -1
    for joke in getJokes():
        if joke['haha'] > best:
            best = joke['haha']
            bestID = joke['id']
    return joke_data[bestID]
# Jeered joke
def jeeredJoke():
    worst = 0
    worstID = -1
    for joke in getJokes():
        if joke['boohoo'] > worst:
            worst = joke['boohoo']
            worstID = joke['id']
    return joke_data[worstID]

# Add to haha for requested id
def addJokehaha(id):
    joke_data[id]['haha'] = joke_data[id]['haha'] + 1
    return joke_data[id]['haha']

# Add to boohoo for requested id
def addJokeboohoo(id):
    joke_data[id]['boohoo'] = joke_data[id]['boohoo'] + 1
    return joke_data[id]['boohoo']

# Pretty Print joke
def printJoke(joke):
    print(joke['id'], joke['joke'], "\n", "haha:", joke['haha'], "\n", "boohoo:", joke['boohoo'], "\n")

# Number of jokes
def countJokes():
    return len(joke_data)

# Test Joke Model
if __name__ == "__main__": 
    initJokes()  # initialize jokes
    # Most likes and most jeered
    best = favoriteJoke()
    print("Most liked", best['haha'])
    worst = jeeredJoke()
    print("Most jeered", worst['boohoo'])
    # Random joke
    print("Random joke")
    # Count of Jokes
    print("Jokes Count: " + str(countJokes()))
Most liked 2
11 If it wasn't for C, we’d all be programming in BASI and OBOL. 
 haha: 2 
 boohoo: 0 

Most jeered 1
0 If you give someone a program... you will frustrate them for a day; if you teach them how to program... you will frustrate them for a lifetime. 
 haha: 0 
 boohoo: 1 

Random joke
15 The programmer got stuck in the shower because the instructions on the shampoo bottle said: Lather, Rinse, Repeat. 
 haha: 0 
 boohoo: 0 

Jokes Count: 18
import random

#List of pokemon 0001-0100 format might be wrong vscode keeps saying there is a bug
pokemon_data = []
pokemon_list = [
        "name": "Bulbasaur",
        "hp": 9,
        "attack": 7,
        "height": "28",
        "weight_in_lbs": "15.2",
        "abilities": "Overgrow",
        "type": "Grass/Poison",
        "weakness": ["Fire", "Psychic", "Ice", "Flying"]
        "name": "Ivysaur",
        "hp": 13,
        "attack": 8,
        "height": "39",
        "weight_in_lbs": "28.7",
        "abilities": "Overgrow",
        "type": "Grass/Poison",
        "weakness": ["Fire", "Psychic", "Ice", "Flying"]
        "name": "Venusaur",
        "hp": 14,
        "attack": 9,
        "height": "79",
        "weight_in_lbs": "220.5",
        "abilities": "Overgrow",
        "type": "Grass/Poison",
        "weakness": ["Fire", "Psychic", "Ice", "Flying"]
        "name": "Charmander",
        "hp": 7,
        "attack": 8,
        "height": "24",
        "weight_in_lbs": "18.7",
        "abilities": "Blaze",
        "type": "Fire",
        "weakness": ["Water", "Rock", "Ground"]
        "name": "Charmeleon",
        "hp": 10,
        "attack": 9,
        "height": "43",
        "weight_in_lbs": "41.9",
        "abilities": "Blaze",
        "type": "Fire",
        "weakness": ["Water", "Rock", "Ground"]


def initPokemons():
    #moving pokemon from list to data
    for item in pokemon_list:
        pokemon_data.append({"id": item_id, "pokemon": item, "upvote": 0, "downvote": 0})
        item_id += 1
    #adding default upvotes (10)
    for i in range(10):
        id = getRandomPokemon()['id']
    #adding default downvotes (5)
    for i in range(5):
        id = getRandomPokemon()['id']

#returns all pokemon
def getPokemons():

#gets a specific pokemon
def getPokemon(id):

#gets a random pokemon
def getRandomPokemon():

#Upvote Pokemon
def bestPokemon():
    best = 0 
    bestID = -1
    for pokemon in getPokemons():
        if pokemon['upvote'] > best:
            best = pokemon['upvote']
            bestID = pokemon['id']
    return pokemon_data[bestID]

#Downvote Pokemon
def worstPokemon():
    worst = 0 
    worstID = -1
    for pokemon in getPokemons():
        if pokemon['downvote'] > worst:
            worst = pokemon['downvote']
            worstID = pokemon['id']
    return pokemon_data[worstID]

#Add Upvote
def addUpVote(id):
    pokemon_data[id]['upvote'] = pokemon_data[id]['upvote'] +1
    return pokemon_data[id]['upvote']

#Add Downvote
def addDownVote(id):
    pokemon_data[id]['downvote'] = pokemon_data[id]['downvote'] +1
    return pokemon_data[id]['downvote']

def printPokemon(pokemon):
    print(pokemon['id'],pokemon['pokemon'],"\n", "upvotes: ", pokemon['upvote'], "\n", "downvote: ", pokemon['downvote'], "\n")

def countPokemons():
    return len(pokemon_data)

if __name__ == "__main__": 
    best= bestPokemon()
    print("Most Upvoted", best['upvote'])
    worst= worstPokemon()
    print("Most Downvoted", worst['downvote'])
    print("Random Pokemon")
    print("Pokemons Count: " + str(countPokemons()))

Most Upvoted 3
3 {'name': 'Charmander', 'hp': 7, 'attack': 8, 'height': '24', 'weight_in_lbs': '18.7', 'abilities': 'Blaze', 'type': 'Fire', 'weakness': ['Water', 'Rock', 'Ground']} 
 upvotes:  3 
 downvote:  0 

Most Downvoted 2
1 {'name': 'Ivysaur', 'hp': 13, 'attack': 8, 'height': '39', 'weight_in_lbs': '28.7', 'abilities': 'Overgrow', 'type': 'Grass/Poison', 'weakness': ['Fire', 'Psychic', 'Ice', 'Flying']} 
 upvotes:  2 
 downvote:  2 

Random Pokemon
0 {'name': 'Bulbasaur', 'hp': 9, 'attack': 7, 'height': '28', 'weight_in_lbs': '15.2', 'abilities': 'Overgrow', 'type': 'Grass/Poison', 'weakness': ['Fire', 'Psychic', 'Ice', 'Flying']} 
 upvotes:  0 
 downvote:  1 

Pokemons Count: 5
[{'id': 0, 'pokemon': {'name': 'Bulbasaur', 'hp': 9, 'attack': 7, 'height': '28', 'weight_in_lbs': '15.2', 'abilities': 'Overgrow', 'type': 'Grass/Poison', 'weakness': ['Fire', 'Psychic', 'Ice', 'Flying']}, 'upvote': 0, 'downvote': 1}, {'id': 1, 'pokemon': {'name': 'Ivysaur', 'hp': 13, 'attack': 8, 'height': '39', 'weight_in_lbs': '28.7', 'abilities': 'Overgrow', 'type': 'Grass/Poison', 'weakness': ['Fire', 'Psychic', 'Ice', 'Flying']}, 'upvote': 2, 'downvote': 2}, {'id': 2, 'pokemon': {'name': 'Venusaur', 'hp': 14, 'attack': 9, 'height': '79', 'weight_in_lbs': '220.5', 'abilities': 'Overgrow', 'type': 'Grass/Poison', 'weakness': ['Fire', 'Psychic', 'Ice', 'Flying']}, 'upvote': 2, 'downvote': 0}, {'id': 3, 'pokemon': {'name': 'Charmander', 'hp': 7, 'attack': 8, 'height': '24', 'weight_in_lbs': '18.7', 'abilities': 'Blaze', 'type': 'Fire', 'weakness': ['Water', 'Rock', 'Ground']}, 'upvote': 3, 'downvote': 0}, {'id': 4, 'pokemon': {'name': 'Charmeleon', 'hp': 10, 'attack': 9, 'height': '43', 'weight_in_lbs': '41.9', 'abilities': 'Blaze', 'type': 'Fire', 'weakness': ['Water', 'Rock', 'Ground']}, 'upvote': 3, 'downvote': 2}]