
Overall Night at the musuem was a really fun experience. We presented from 6:30-7:00. We got a lot of positve reaction from our project. Our project centered around a tool where you could create your own meme by uploading an image directly from their own persaonl files and then they add their own top text and bottom text. Once you create your meme you have the choice to upload it and share it and add it too a database filled with memems uploaded by other users. Once your at this database you can download any meme you find funny. A lot of our users had a fun time creating their own memes and seeing what others had made. Some other viewers had a bettter time when we explained and showcased the complicated code that powered our project. We had a really great time explaining our projec to others before evntually letting them use it for themselves. Outside of this we also got a lot of useful feedback that we hope to incorporate while we continue to work on our project.

Feedback/Areas to improve

A really common suggestion from users who used our site was to make the images and text on the memes bigger. This would make it easier for them to see anthe text and create memes. We also could have made the top bar where our site navigation was used easier and simpler to use. Some people also wanted to see us add additional customization options for their memes to make them more personal. When improving our project over the break for the final reivew and collegeboard test we wiill definatly take the time to incorporate this feedback. We escpiacally want to focus on the user-experience as that is a crucial element in our project since everything is based off the users preferences.


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Something in CompSci that impressed

There were lots of cool projects but my personal favorite was a clash royale themed site I saw presented at 6:00. THis project was really cool because it allowed for you to make customized clash royale decks and take quizes that give you a deck based off of you project. They had a lot of features and a really easy to use site. The code they also used was really efficient and I learned a lot from looking at it.

Something outside of CompSci that impressed.

I saw some really cool photography ourside of Computer Science. A picture I really liked was a kid on bike riding across some woodchips. This picture was a recreation of a really famous photogrpah by a famous photographer. Everything in the photo was well put togther with good ligthing and positing.