Project Plan: Number Tree Builder

Overview The Number Tree Builder is a web application that allows users to create and interact with a binary tree. Users can add nodes, perform different tree traversals, and find the greatest number in the tree.


  • HTML Structure

Contains a title, buttons for actions, a container to display the tree, and a section for displaying results. CSS Styling

Styles the layout, making buttons visually appealing and nodes appear as circles.

  • JavaScript Functionality

Manages the creation and manipulation of tree nodes. Handles user interactions, updates the tree, and performs various operations.

  • Key Features Adding Nodes

Users can add the root node and child nodes. Each node includes an input for its value and buttons to add left and right children. Updating Node Values

When a node’s value is changed, the tree is updated to reflect the new value. Rendering the Tree

Positions nodes within the container and draws lines connecting parent and child nodes for visualization. Tree Traversals

Users can perform in-order, pre-order, post-order, and level-order traversals. The results are displayed in a designated area. Finding the Greatest Number

Searches the tree to find and display the largest number present in the nodes.

  • User Interaction Users interact with the tree through buttons to add nodes, perform traversals, and find the greatest number. The tree updates dynamically based on user inputs, ensuring an interactive and intuitive experience. This plan outlines the basic structure and functionality of the Number Tree Builder, providing a clear understanding of how the application operates and interacts with users.